Make a Fairy Light Jar- That Actually Works!

2018-04-09 19:32:59 admin 75

To make these pretty jars, you’ll need:

A mason jar with ring (you dont need the actual lid part)

A String of Oakhaomie fairy lights and batteries

a small circle of burlap, about 10″ diameter (you’ll end up trimming it more)

jute string


a handfull of fiberfill

hot glue


Start off by taping your fairy light battery pack on top of your jar’s lid ring, making sure the on/off switch faces down so you can reach it easily when you take the top of the jar off. You might want to use electrical tape if these will in use for a while in case the battery pack heats up.

On top of the circle or square of burlap you have cut out, pile a small amount of fiberfill. Hot glue a long strip of glue around the ring of the jar and set on top of the fiberfill. Press burlap over lid taut, securing with the hot glue. Add a string of jute as an accent around the top of the jar (you might want to glue it in place).


These are gorgeous on long tables for outdoor dining, scattered across your patio, or even hanging like lanterns. They also make fabulous wedding favors! Maybe call them “lightening bugs”?
